Sunday, January 11, 2009

Forever in debt to your priceless advice

It's the time of New Years resolutions. I've got a few things on my own little list of resolutions, but one I figure I'd bring up here is that I'd like to actually try and use the guitar I've got this year.

I've been pretty good about picking it up and playing a bunch of the old things I used to try and play back in college. In fact, I find myself remembering other songs Lyle used to play while we were living together and have been trying to learn some of those too. I'm certainly not any good, but can play the beginnings of a few new things. I'm also trying to round out some of the older intros I knew for some songs by learning the rest.

I'd also like to travel a bit more this year. The way things are turning out I may do okay on that one.

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Blogger Kay said...

this blog needs an update :)

7:38 PM, June 03, 2009  

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